
Leigh Landy

Most works, given their particularly spatial and/or site-specific nature, are fairly inappropriate for recording. There have been a few exceptions.

La Zététique
(Erasmus WVH083)

Leigh Landy Five Introspections

Wolken, Wind, Schermen

Rock's Music

Ceci n'est pas une flûte
Jos Zwaanenburg 7 Pieces for Solo Flute

Solo for Prepared Flute

Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre
(PINK DOT 001, De Montfort University)

Simon Atkinson casts/adrift
Andrew Hugill Catalogue de Grenouilles
Leigh Landy Sonic Highway Exits Neglect Grammar
John Richards Preecha
John Young Allting Runt Omkring

Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre
(MTI CD 001/2)

Including Leigh Landy Oh la la radio (binaural version)

Sonic Voyages - MTI De Montfort University
(UHR -

Including Leigh Landy Soap Opera (2002, English version)

R{A}DIO{CUSTICA} Selected 2003-2017 & Bouquet of Sounds 2 (MTI De Montfort University)
(UHR -

Both including Leigh Landy Mezihlas -- Přeshlas -- Nahlas (2007) (Radio -- Voice -- Overs)
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