1989 “John C A G E: anarchist musician”, Avant Garde 3 ‘Anarchia’: 67-84.
1989 “John C A G E: anarchist musician”, Avant Garde 3 ‘Anarchia’: 67-84.
1989 “John C A G E: anarchist musician”, Avant Garde 3 ‘Anarchia’: 67-84.
1988 “Duchamp, Dada Composer and his Vast Influence on Post-World War II Avant-garde Music”, Avant Garde No. 2 ‘Duchamp’.
1988 ” How often have you seen your compositions performed? A plea for more audio-visual collaborations in experimental music”, Interface 17/4: 241-249.
“Comp (exp. mus) = ft (sum) ‘parameters’ ( ~ )” Avant Garde No. 0 ‘Presentation’: 27-40.
1987 “An Analysis of Tayutai for koto (1972) composed by Makoto SHINOHARA: a 3-Dimensional Approach”, Interface 16/1-2: 75-96.
1983 At a Fork on the Way. EAR Magazine 8/5, 9/1, 9/2, 9/3 (manuscript 87p).
1983 “New Notation?”, EAR Magazine 8/1-2: 11-16.
1981 “New Music and the Media, or Mr. Businessman’s Veni, Vendidi, Vici “, EAR Magazine 7/2: 3,4.
1981 “Music and Politics: a Reply”, EAR Magazine 6/3: 2.
“At a Fork on the Way – 4: World Music and this thing called Serious Music”, EAR Magazine 4/8-9: 16-17.