Composed for Andreas Mniestris’ Emeritus concert in Corfu, stereo 1’30 This piece was made after being invited to compose a short work for the concert celebrating Andreas Mniestris’s career at
Composed podcast commissioned by Vortex Temporum (25 in their series), 11’49 I was invited by the two coordinators of the Vortex Temporum series in Portugal to share my ‘inner thoughts
For stereo recording and solo speaking voice, 12 minutes. Telenovela (soap opera) was made with Brazilian speaking voices (and recorded on a cheap cassette recorder in Martha Herr’s kitchen in
Stereo recording, conductor, 2’30. This piece was composed in a longer version involving three dancers for the Idée Fixe production, (Y)our House. It is one of the precursors of the
Stereo recording, 18′ This piece was made at the request of visual artist, Michel Jaffrennou in 1974 after his request for the two 1973 works for a gallery exhibition. He
This one might call a youth work. It was composed somewhere between 1969-1972 and involves settings of various e e cummings poems for which I had to receive the rights.