中国广播之声 Chinese Radio Sound (2013)

6 mins. 5.1-channel work in the Radio Series made in collaboration with students from the Shenyang Conservatory of Music.


Programme note: During one residency as Visiting Professor at te Shenyang Conservatory of Music, two of the students there said that they were interested in making a Chinese radio piece based based on earlier works in this series. Under the guidance of their tutor, (now former) MTI PhD student, Zhang Ruibo (Mungo) they analysed To BBC or Not, recorded dozens of hours of local and national radio recordings and started blocking a short 5-channel composition. During my residence, we worked on the piece on a daily basis, an interesting experience for me as I only had partial translations at any given moment thus forcing me to hear the music in the recordings above the content for once. The result is culturally quite different from the previous three compositions, but also has its similarities, not least its aspect of humour. A translation forms part of the stereo reduction of the piece below.

Student composers: Zhao Zhongye and Liu Zhuoxuan.

Video: Andrew Hill