Quadlibet (2014)

For the Dirty Electronics Ensemble – for 4, 8 or 12 vocalising performers utilising live electronics. Inspired by a Samuel Beckett work – ca. 18′.

Programme note: The title, Quadlibet, is taken from the genre dating from the renaissance, quodlibet, in which different known melodies were combined in a single piece. (Ironically, it also means a philosophical or theological point proposed for disputation, which serves the presentation of the work quite well in a rather surrealistic manner.) The slight change of spelling is to do with the fact that this piece is inspired by Samuel Beckett’s 1986 work, Quad. It is a bit unusual for this phase of Landy’s career as it is a very abstract work leaning more towards innovation for innovation’s sake than for the more personal experience-focus of his sampling works. The score used by the performers follows the video of its first performance.

Performers: Danni Spooner, Joey Mottershead, Kat Pattison, Leigh Landy

DIY instruments: John Richards

Quadlibet - DEE Jan 2015 version with parts